of the Christmas snowstorm of 2002
These were taken the day I got my
digital camera (Canon G3) as an xmas gift from my wife and her
parents. We got around 5 inches of wet snow on Christmas day; the
first white christmas in this area in quite a while - and an indication
of things to come for that winter, one of the worst in Philadelphia
We'd had a 7 inch storm at the start of December, 2 days after my
in-laws moved in with us. By the end of the winter, we had a
total of around 43 inches officially - more at our house. The
worst storm was around 22-24 inches; we didn't move for a day while
shoveling out, but even on our 1-lane gravel road and hilly (paved!)
driveway, we never got stuck, even without 4wd.